Printronix Printer Repair Services

For 15 years, Thunderbird Technical Services has been offering premier repair and maintenance services for Printronix Printers. Located in Southwestern Ohio, Thunderbird Technical Services provides skilled Printronix repair services to Dayton, Cincinnati, and Columbus and the surrounding areas. Our seasoned technicians also provided services in Kentucky and Indiana, as well as Los Angeles, San Diego, St. Louis, and Des Moines areas. Just this past year we have opened a new office in Phoenix, AZ.

If you own a Printronix printer like the Printronix P-Series impact printer, Printronix thermal barcode label printer, or a Printronix OEM impact printer for HP and IBM, we can fix it. We also offer depot repair service programs and remedial services.

  • Printronix P-Series Impact Printers (P-5209, P-5212, P-5214, P-5215)
  • Printronix Thermal Barcode Label Printers (T-3204, T-5204, T-5304)
  • Printronix OEM Impact Printer for HP and IBM (HP-1000, IBM 6400-015, IBM 6400-014)

Depot Repair Services

Send in your T-5000 series printer for diagnosis and repair, preventative maintenance check-up, inspection, update, or refurbishment. We’ll provide you with a quote within 48 hrs. after receiving your equipment. You can be confident your equipment will be brought to “like new” specification. Our customers regularly send in their printers for a check-up as part of a regular scheduled maintenance program in order to eliminate critical downtime.

©2017 Thunderbird Technical Service, Inc.